Bulletin ID: FinalCutPro5.0.4Update-5.0.4 |
Title: Final Cut Pro Update (5.0.4) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-12-19 |
Description: Final Cut Pro Update 5.0.4 delivers improved reliability. This update is recommended for all Final Cut Pro 5 customers. For more detailed information, please visit: http://www.apple.com/support/lbn/?product=FinalCutPro&version=5.0&languag | |||||
Applies to: Mac OS X |
Bulletin ID: WebObjects5.3.1ServerUpdate-5.3.1 |
Title: WebObjects Server Update (5.3.1) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-11-10 |
Description: This installer updates the Application Server components in Mac OS X Server 10.4 to WebObjects 5. | |||||
Applies to: WebObjects |
Bulletin ID: Motion2.0.1-1.0 |
Title: Motion 2.0.1 Update (1.0) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-10-31 |
Description: The Motion 2.0.1 Software Update improves general application stability and greater reliability when using 3rd party plug-ins. Additionally, it includes compatibility with Apple's latest PCI-Express based Power Mac G5 hardwa | |||||
Applies to: Mac OS X |
Bulletin ID: CinemaTools3.0.3Update-3.0.3 |
Title: Cinema Tools Update (3.0.3) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-10-25 |
Description: Cinema Tools Update 3.0.3 delivers improved reliability. This update is recommended for all Cinema Tools 3 customers. For more detailed information, please visit: http://www.apple.com/support/lbn/?product=CinemaTools&version=3.0&languag | |||||
Applies to: Mac OS X |
Bulletin ID: ProAppsUpdate2005-02-1.0 |
Title: Pro Applications Update 2005-02 (1.0) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-10-20 |
Description: Pro Applications Update 2005-02: This update addresses several issues with underlying frameworks and shared components for Apple's professional applications and is strongly recommended for all users of Final Cut Studio, Final Cut Pro 5, Motion 2, Soundtrack Pro, DVD Studio Pro 4, Shake 4 , LiveType 2, Compressor 2, Apple Qmaster 2 and Final Cut Express HD. For more detailed information about this update, visit http://www.info.apple.com/kbnum/n3023 | |||||
Applies to: Mac OS X |
Bulletin ID: FinalCutExpressUpdate3.0.1-3.0.1 |
Title: Final Cut Express Update (3.0.1) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-10-20 |
Description: Final Cut Express HD 3.0.1 delivers improved compatibility with Macintosh computers using a PCI Express graphics controller. This update is required for customers using Final Cut Express HD on these systems. This update requires you to also install Pro Applications Update 2005-02, if you have not already done | |||||
Applies to: Mac OS X |
Bulletin ID: WaveBurner112-1.1.2 |
Title: WaveBurner Update (1.1.2) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-10-19 |
Description: The WaveBurner 1.1.2 Update addresses isolated reliability issues. The update is highly recommended for all users of WaveBurner 1.1. An existing WaveBurner 1.1 installation is required for this update to take effe | |||||
Applies to: Mac OS X |
Bulletin ID: LogicPro711Updater-7.1.1 |
Title: Logic Pro Update (7.1.1) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-10-04 |
Description: The Logic Pro 7.1.1 Update addresses isolated reliability issues. It also improves compatibility with Mac OS X version 10.4 (Tiger). The most significant areas addressed are: MP3 and AAC import in Mac OS X Tiger Use of Scandinavian keyboard layout in Mac OS X Tiger Delay compensation of QuickTime movies OMF, AAF and XML compatibility DAE/TDM: Bounces with the Wave recording file type AudioSuite plug-in compatibility Automation of Ultrabeat parameters, Sculpture parameters and two state button | |||||
Applies to: Mac OS X |
Bulletin ID: LogicExpress711Updater-7.1.1 |
Title: Logic Express Update (7.1.1) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-10-04 |
Description: The Logic Express 7.1.1 Update addresses isolated reliability issues. It also improves compatibility with Mac OS X version 10.4 (Tiger). The most significant areas addressed are: MP3 and AAC import in Mac OS X Tiger Use of Scandinavian keyboard layout in Mac OS X Tiger Automation tool: Support of S curve modes "Enhance Pitch" plug-in Realtime sample rate conversio | |||||
Applies to: Mac OS X |
Bulletin ID: Java131and142Release2-2.0 |
Title: Java 1.3.1 and 1.4.2 Release 2 (2.0) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-09-13 |
Description: Java 1.3.1 and 1.4.2 Release 2 delivers improved reliability and compatibility for Java on Mac OS X v10.4. This release includes Java 2 Platform Standard Edition versions 1.3.1_16 and 1.4.2_ | |||||
Applies to: Java |
Bulletin ID: iPhoto504-5.0.4 |
Title: iPhoto Update (5.0.4) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-07-26 |
Description: iPhoto 5.0.4 addresses an issue with browsing photos that have been auto-rotated by a came | |||||
Applies to: iPhoto |
Bulletin ID: GarageBand_202-2.0.2 |
Title: GarageBand Update (2.0.2) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-07-25 |
Description: GarageBand 2.0.2 addresses issues with time signature handling, Apple Loops authoring, locking tracks, and improves compatibility with Mac OS X Tig | |||||
Applies to: GarageBand |
Bulletin ID: iMacG5SleepLightUpdate-1.0 |
Title: iMac G5 Sleep Light Update (1.0) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-07-21 |
Description: The iMac G5 Sleep Light Update adjusts the brightness of your iMac G5 sleep indicator light so it's not as bright during the evening. The daytime brightness remains the same. This update is installed in Applications > Utilities and should automatically launch. Click Update and follow the onscreen instructions to apply the update. Note: Once the update has started, do not cancel or interrupt it. The updater takes over one minute to complete. During the update, your computer fans will run at full speed, but will return to normal once the update complet | |||||
Applies to: Mac OS X |
Bulletin ID: LiveType2.0.2Update-2.0.2 |
Title: LiveType Update (2.0.2) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-07-12 |
Description: LiveType 2.0.2 addresses certain missing LiveFont characters in LiveType 2.0 and 2.0 | |||||
Applies to: Mac OS X |
Bulletin ID: CompressorUpdate2.0.1-2.0.1 |
Title: Compressor Update (2.0.1) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-07-12 |
Description: The Compressor 2.0.1 software update provides improved reliability and is recommended for all Compressor 2.0 users. If you use Apple Qmaster, you must update it to version 2.0.1 for compatibility with Compressor 2.0.1 | |||||
Applies to: Mac OS X |
Bulletin ID: Qmaster2.0.1-2.0.1 |
Title: Apple Qmaster Update (2.0.1) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-07-12 |
Description: The Apple Qmaster 2.0.1 software update provides improved reliability and is recommended for all Apple Qmaster 2.0 users. If you use Compressor, you must update it to version 2.0.1 for compatibility with Apple Qmaster 2.0.1 | |||||
Applies to: Mac OS X |
Bulletin ID: DVDPlayerUpdate_2005_06-4.6.1 |
Title: DVD Playback Update (4.6.1) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-07-07 |
Description: DVD Playback Update 4.6.1 addresses a disc validation issue some users may encounter when attempting to play a disc for the first time with DVD Player 4.6. This update is recommended for all users of DVD Player 4 | |||||
Applies to: Mac OS X |
Bulletin ID: DesktopVideoOutUpdate-1.2.1 |
Title: Desktop Video Out (1.2.1) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-06-09 |
Description: Desktop Video Out Update addresses an issue with Final Cut Pro HD 4.5 and Final Cut Express HD 3.0 when using Digital Cinema Desktop Preview (Main). This update is recommended for Final Cut Pro HD 4.5 and Final Cut Express HD 3.0 custome | |||||
Applies to: Mac OS X |
Bulletin ID: Pages102-1.0.2 |
Title: Pages Update (1.0.2) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-05-25 |
Description: Pages 1.0.2 addresses issues with page navigation and organizati | |||||
Applies to: Mac OS X |
Bulletin ID: Keynote202-2.0.2 |
Title: Keynote Update (2.0.2) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-05-25 |
Description: Keynote 2.0.2 corrects a security issue. | |||||
Applies to: Keynote |
Bulletin ID: DVDPlayerUpdate-4.6 |
Title: DVD Player (4.6) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-05-17 |
Description: DVD Player 4.6 delivers added support for DVD Studio Pro 4 authored HD DVDs. It is recommended for all users of DVD Player. Key Updates include: Additional support for playing DSP 4 authored HD DVD folders from DVD discs and hard drives. Additional support of discs with both SD and DSP 4 authored HD content. Improved Global Player settings. Improved usage for last play and disc info dialo | |||||
Applies to: Mac OS X |
Bulletin ID: AppleIntermediateCodec-1.0.1 |
Title: Apple Intermediate Codec (1.0.1) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-05-11 |
Description: Apple Intermediate Codec 1.0.1 delivers improved compatibility and reliability for Final Cut Express HD and iLife '05 users. It is recommended for all users of Apple Intermediate Codec 1.0 who are using QuickTime 7. Key updates include: Improved export performance Improved playb | |||||
Applies to: Mac OS X |
Bulletin ID: RemoteDesktopClient220-2.2 |
Title: Remote Desktop Admin Update (2.2) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-05-05 |
Description: The Apple Remote Desktop version 2.2 Client Update delivers improved reliability and compatibility for Apple Remote Desktop 2 and is recommended for all users of Apple Remote Desktop. | |||||
Applies to: Mac OS X |
Bulletin ID: WO524Developer-5.2.4 |
Title: WebObjects Developer Update (5.2.4) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-05-04 |
Description: This update is recommended for all WebObjects 5.2.x Developer users on Mac OS X 10.4 See Knowledge Base article 301410 for details of what is changed by this upda | |||||
Applies to: WebObjects |
Bulletin ID: TigerEye3-1.0 |
Title: SuperDrive Firmware Update (1.0) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-05-03 |
Description: The SuperDrive Firmware Update delivers updated SuperDrive firmware to improve reliability when accessing DVD and CD med | |||||
Applies to: Mac OS X |
Bulletin ID: 061-1808-1.5 |
Title: QuickTime Broadcaster (1.5) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-04-29 |
Description: QuickTime Broadcaster 1.5 introduces a number of enhancements including: Support for industry standard H.264 video Increased support for 3G live broadcasting to mobile devices Improved ISMA compliance Performance improveme | |||||
Applies to: QuickTime |
Bulletin ID: 061-1787-1.2.1 |
Title: Shake Qmaster Services Tools (1.2.1) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-04-27 |
Description: What's New in Shake Qmaster 1.2.1 Shake Qmaster 1.2.1 increases stability when using Shake Qmaster for extended periods of time on dual-processor Power Mac or Xserve systems. Upgrading to Shake Qmaster 1.2.1 is highly recommended for all users of Shake Qmaster 1.2 or earlier. Note: Customers using Compressor on the same system as Shake Qmaster 1.2.1 should upgrade to Compressor 1.2.1 using Software Update. May 17, 2004 UP01 | |||||
Applies to: Mac OS X |
Bulletin ID: 061-1788-1.2.1 |
Title: Shake Qmaster Applications (1.2.1) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-04-27 |
Description: What's New in Shake Qmaster 1.2.1 Shake Qmaster 1.2.1 increases stability when using Shake Qmaster for extended periods of time on dual-processor Power Mac or Xserve systems. Upgrading to Shake Qmaster 1.2.1 is highly recommended for all users of Shake Qmaster 1.2 or earlier. Note: Customers using Compressor on the same system as Shake Qmaster 1.2.1 should upgrade to Compressor 1.2.1 using Software Update. May 17, 2004 UP01 | |||||
Applies to: Mac OS X |
Bulletin ID: 061-1692-1.0.1 |
Title: Motion Content Extras Update (1.0.1) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-04-27 |
Description: The Motion Content Extras Update provides bug fixes and corrections to user documentation to those who previously installed this registration incentive. It is strongly recommended that users install the Motion Content Extras Upda | |||||
Applies to: Mac OS X |
Bulletin ID: 061-1691-1.0.1 |
Title: Motion (1.0.1) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-04-27 |
Description: The Motion 1.0.1 Update addresses issues that may cause Motion 1.0 to quit unexpectedly. Issues have also been addressed in many areas, including Shapes, export, video output performance, working with PDF files, Final Cut Pro HD recognition of the Motion anti-aliasing setting, and support for third-party plug-in issues. Motion 1.0.1 is strongly recommended for all users of Motion | |||||
Applies to: Mac OS X |
Bulletin ID: 061-1745-5.1.7f1 |
Title: Xserve G5 Firmware Update (5.1.7f1) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-04-26 |
Description: The update includes changes for initializing and running your Xserve G5. It provides enhanced reliability during reboot sequences as well as support for the Xserve G5 PCI Hardware RAID Card. This firmware update is required for Xserve G5 customers who wish to install the Xserve G5 PCI Hardware RAID Card kit and is strongly recommended for all Xserve G5 systems with earlier firmware versio | |||||
Applies to: Xserve |
Bulletin ID: 061-1729-3.01 |
Title: Shake (3.01) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-04-26 |
Description: The Shake 3.01 update includes fixes, enhancements, and improvements to the stability of Shake on all platforms. This release has also been optimized for improved performance on the Apple Power Mac G5 and Mac OS X 10.3. Additional enhancements have been added to make it easier to manipulate shapes created with the RotoShape node. These enhancements include individual transform control over each shape in a RotoShape node, selection-based RotoShape transforms, the ability to move the center of transformation for any RotoShape, a shortcut menu which allows the visibility of individual RotoShapes to be turned on and off, and the ability to select individual points in a RotoShape that fall within a user definable region around the cursor | |||||
Applies to: Mac OS X |
Bulletin ID: 061-1744-5.1.5f2 |
Title: Power Mac G5 Uniprocessor Firmware Update (5.1.5f2) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-04-26 |
Description: The Power Mac G5 Uniprocessor Firmware Update improves general system reliability and restores sleep functionali | |||||
Applies to: Mac OS X |
Bulletin ID: 061-1746-5.1.8f7 |
Title: Power Mac G5 Firmware Update (5.1.8f7) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-04-26 |
Description: The Power Mac G5 Firmware Update improves system reliability for Power Mac G5 (June 2004) syste | |||||
Applies to: Mac OS X |
Bulletin ID: 061-1720-4.5 |
Title: Final Cut Pro HD (4.5) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-04-26 |
Description: What's New in Final Cut Pro HD The Final Cut Pro HD update adds the following features: Native DVCPRO HD editing with RT Extreme support 720p high definition video support New Digital Cinema Desktop external video monitoring options 24 @ 25 PAL editing support Trim Edit window audio monitoring enhancements Final Cut Pro HD includes improvements in the following areas: Importing files from a bin in the Browser via shortcut menu Autosaving after Log and Capture Copying and pasting with Auto select controls in the Timeline Preparing video for display Render files in Timeline Dynamic trimming Ripple delete Audio-only timecode overlays display properly Pasting clip attributes with filters JKL-key playback when using an external monitor 4-8 pixel vertical striping in video OpenGL and AltiVec processing enhancements Compatibility with certain third-party After Effects plug-ins Proper detection of 4 or more gigabytes of RAM Edit to Tape and Print to Video honors multiple audio channels when mixed Color bars for 23.98 fps projects Final Cut Pro HD (version 4.5) is highly recommended for all Final Cut Pro 4 use | |||||
Applies to: Mac OS X |
Bulletin ID: 061-1733-1.2.1 |
Title: Compressor (1.2.1) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-04-26 |
Description: What's New in Compressor 1.2.1 If you are upgrading from Compressor 1.2, the Compressor 1.2.1 update includes the following features: Improved application stability Improved Preview window performance If you are upgrading from a version of Compressor prior to 1.2, the Compressor 1.2.1 update also includes the following features: Support for MPEG-1 output files Support for industry-standard letterbox aspect ratios Support for saving batches Preview window improvements Improved high definition to standard definition transcoding Timecode included in QuickTime output files Optimized export using Compressor from the Final Cut Pro HD timeline Upgrading to Compressor 1.2.1 is highly recommended for all users of Compressor 1.0 or later. May 20, 2004 UP01 | |||||
Applies to: Mac OS X |
Bulletin ID: 061-1759-1.2 |
Title: Soundtrack (1.2) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-04-25 |
Description: This update features new MIDI functionality, allowing Soundtrack to synchronize with other audio software and hardware. In addition, fixes and improvements to searching, timeline workflow, handling of long audio files, project compression, and other interface elements are included. Soundtrack 1.2 is strongly recommended for all users of Soundtra | |||||
Applies to: Mac OS X |
Bulletin ID: 061-1750-1.2 |
Title: LiveType for Final Cut Pro HD (1.2) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-04-25 |
Description: LiveType 1.2 adds new effects and templates, improves workflow integration with Final Cut Pro HD, and addresses Timeline behavior issues. This update includes all previous maintenance releases and is strongly recommended for all Final Cut Pro HD users with earlier versions of LiveType. This update includes all previous updates to LiveType, providing the following additional fixes and/or improvements: 41 new effects PAL templates Keyboard shortcuts for timeline zooming and fit-to-window views Timeline zooming centered on selection More responsive timeline snapping New effects handling modes: ripple, moving in groups, moving between tracks Final Cut export without pre-render | |||||
Applies to: Mac OS X |
Bulletin ID: 061-1683-1.1.1 |
Title: Keynote Update (1.1.1) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-04-25 |
Description: What's new in Keynote 1.1.1 Keynote 1.1.1 improves stability and includes several user experience enhancements including a preference to control cube and flip transition clipping individually. Mac OS X version 10.2.8 or higher is required with Keynote 1.1 | |||||
Applies to: Keynote |
Bulletin ID: 061-1690-7.0.1 |
Title: Logic Pro Update (7.0.1) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-04-21 |
Description: The Logic Pro 7.0.1 update addresses reliability and performance issues including issues in the following areas: Compatibility with Audio Units and other formats Track Automation Control Surfaces Ultrabeat Various further improvements Note: The update improves compatibility with a number of Audio Units plug-ins. Your Audio Units plug-ins will be rescanned the first time Logic Pro 7.0.1 is launched. The Logic Pro 7.0.1 Update is highly recommended for all users of Logic Pro 7. An existing Logic Pro 7 installation is required for this update to take effect. To use Logic Pro 7.0.1 with the Logic Node application, an update of the Node software is required on your Node machines. The Node update software is contained in the Logic Pro 7.0.1 Update package and will be installed into Application/Utiliti | |||||
Applies to: Mac OS X |
Bulletin ID: 061-1689-7.0.1 |
Title: Logic Express Update (7.0.1) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-04-21 |
Description: The Logic Express 7.0.1 update addresses reliability and performance issues including issues in the following areas: Compatibility with Audio Units and other formats Track Automation Control Surfaces Various further improvements Note: The update improves compatibility with a number of Audio Units plug-ins. Your Audio Units plug-ins will be rescanned the first time Logic Express 7.0.1 is launched. The Logic Express 7.0.1 Update is highly recommended for all users of Logic Express 7. An existing Logic Express 7 installation is required for this update to take effe | |||||
Applies to: Mac OS X |
Bulletin ID: 061-1726-3.0.2 |
Title: DVD Studio Pro (3.0.2) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-04-21 |
Description: What's New in DVD Studio Pro 3.0.2 The DVD Studio Pro 3.0.2 update is recommended for all users of DVD Studio Pro 3. In addition to improving general stability, this update provides additional compatibility for double-layer media devices on supported systems | |||||
Applies to: Mac OS X |
Bulletin ID: 061-1685-4.0.1 |
Title: iMovie Update (4.0.1) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-04-19 |
Description: iMovie 4.0.1 includes improved performance and reliability for iMovie 4. This update provides increased performance when working with large projects, such as editing video clips and audio volume. iMovie 4.0.1 provides increased reliability when the application opens, when titles are added to the timeline, and with 3rd party plug-ins that are removed or no longer available to an iMovie project (for example, when you open a project on a different computer). Other improvements include fixes for pixelated video, corrupted Ken Burns clips, and loss of audio, which could occur after editing video or audio and then emptying the trash. For additional performance improvements and increased iSight compatibility, please upgrade to QuickTime 6.5.1 and the iSight version 1.0.2. Both updates are available through Software Update and http://www.apple.com/support/download | |||||
Applies to: iMovie |
Bulletin ID: 061-1732-3.0.3 |
Title: iMovie (3.0.3) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-04-19 |
Description: This software update provides improved performance and stability for iMovie 3, especially on G3 processor Macs, for rendering, audio, and the Ken Burns Effect. Refinements to the Ken Burns Effect allow greater pan and zoom control on digital images, and make it easier to crop digital stills. QuickTime 6.3 is required for improvements to audio sync and audio integrity | |||||
Applies to: iMovie |
Bulletin ID: 061-1681-4.0.3 |
Title: iPhoto Update (4.0.3) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-04-14 |
Description: iPhoto 4.0.3 addresses minor issues with Smart Albums and European books, and provides notification when new versions of iPhoto are availab | |||||
Applies to: iPhoto |
Bulletin ID: 061-1704-5.0.2 |
Title: iMovie HD Update (5.0.2) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-04-14 |
Description: iMovie HD 5.0.2 Update addresses issues related to video and audio synchronization for DV projects and other issues. These include: Audio in PAL widescreen Sharing (exporting) HDV to videocamera tape Synchronizing with HDV 720p content Importing video from a DV videocamera when using analog passthrough or recording live video Compatibility with some analog-to-digital converter boxes Capturing video with Hi-8 (Digital 8) devices Placing titles over DV content Playing iPhoto slideshows that include protected content Opening iMovie 4 projects that use speed-adjusted clips. This update is recommended for all users. You must have iMovie HD 5.0 or iMovie HD 5.0.1 installed in its original location to update to iMovie 5.0.2 | |||||
Applies to: iMovie |
Bulletin ID: 061-1702-5.0.1 |
Title: iDVD Update (5.0.1) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-04-14 |
Description: iDVD 5.0.1 addresses issues related to general stability and compatibility with iPhoto slideshows and iMovie | |||||
Applies to: iDVD |
Bulletin ID: 061-1687-4.0.1 |
Title: iDVD Update (4.0.1) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-04-14 |
Description: This software update will upgrade your version of iDVD 4 to iDVD 4.0.1. This update is highly recommended for all users of iDVD 4 and will provide for improved reliability when authoring and burning DV | |||||
Applies to: iDVD |
Bulletin ID: 061-1693-1.1 |
Title: GarageBand Update (1.1) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-04-14 |
Description: GarageBand 1.1 addresses isolated performance and stability issues, allows per-track Echo settings similar to other effects, supports loop libraries in other disk locations, supports importing unprotected AAC audio files in addition to AIF and MP3 files, and addresses issues with ReWire support, moving GarageBand songs between different computers, Help support, fixing the timing of individual notes (as well as entire regions), and dragging entire tracks in the timeli | |||||
Applies to: GarageBand |
Bulletin ID: 061-1684-1.0.1 |
Title: GarageBand Jam Pack Update (1.0.1) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-04-14 |
Description: This software update will upgrade your version of GarageBand Jam Pack 1.0 to GarageBand Jam Pack 1.0.1. This update installs a number of additional effects prese | |||||
Applies to: GarageBand |
Bulletin ID: 061-1688-2.0.3 |
Title: Final Cut Express (2.0.3) |
Severity: |
OS Family: Mac |
Date: 2005-04-12 |
Description: What's new in Final Cut Express 2.0.3 This update fixes an issue with some cameras caused by conflicts between timecode breaks and dropped frames, resulting in incomplete capture. It also improves QuickTime movie export when there is blank video in a sequence. Final Cut Express 2.0.3 is strongly recommended for all users of Final Cut Express | |||||
Applies to: Mac OS X |